Many had problems with this bill,
particularly First Nations, as there were various sections that look to be
implemented that would have direct impact on them, their rights, their
jurisdiction, and their existence. This was the final proverbial ‘legislative
slap in the face’ that has now led to the increasing protesting, action, and
vocal ability of those who are apart of the many Indigenous nations across the
Northern section of Turtle Island (in fact solidarity and support is now
extending throughout Turtle Island). The fact is, the sections that impact
Indigenous people in C-45 (specifically First Nations), are not the first
onslaught, or the second, from the Conservative government. Thus, there are
many pieces of Canadian legislation that are being forced upon Indigenous
people via the Canadian House of Commons – without any proper and dutiful consultation.
legislation being imposed include:
S-8 (First Nations Safe Drinking Water)
S-2 (Matrimonial Interest or Rights Act)
C-48 (First Nations Taxation Act)
Members Motion Bill C-428
C-27 (First Nations Accountability Act)
S-207 (Interpretation Act)
S-6 (First Nations Elections Act)
S-212 (Self-Government and Examining Non Derogation
Nations Education Act
Nations Property Ownership Act
I will warn
those who are reading this – do not be fooled by the way the titles sound. They
are not as probable and proper as one would think. The fact is all of these
pieces of legislation strengthen the Canadian colonial hold on Indigenous
nations and its peoples and moves forward the degradation of their recognition
through 1969 White Paperesque formulations.

final Bill to discuss is the Private Property Bill that is coming forth with
Bill C-45. This bill, it is argued, allows for First Nations people to be able
to have the ‘right’ to have better valued land in order to properly obtain
mortgages to build houses, to allow banks to take the property if they do not
pay their loans, or to sell the land. This is a heavy and offensive attack on
Indigenous lands that are to be reserved for them based on treaties. There was
no consultation for this piece of legislation and it is unilaterally being
imposed. Do the claims of what would be done truly hold up and benefit
Indigenous people? No. What bank is going to give a loan to a single parent
with 4 children who is on social assistance? What if it was two parents; still
no. For most First Nations people their income and credit will automatically
prevent them from such a thing. For many, the selling of land is their only
possibility to obtain some form of financial gain since the Indian Act
continues to impose restrictions on economic development in First Nations
communities – thus making many in the northern regions dependent on Canadian
The truth is this policy will be far
more detrimental to our well being as Indigenous people and as partners alongside
Canada. Is there proof this is the case? I suggest you look up the United
States’ Dawes Act. This was the exact same policy, more or less, and it has led
to a far worse situation for the Indigenous nations that now share territory
with the United States. Again, I echo: Far worse.
After six years, and the stagnation
of the period prior to the 2000s, Indigenous people are starting to rise up and
it is these items that led to anger and action. Our elected Chiefs, whether
through the Band system or not, had tried to bring attention to this on
December 4th – only to be man handled by House of Commons security.
These elected officials, who represented the people these pieces of legislation
would impact, were denied the right to be there to speak for their citizens.
Outrage from the Indigenous world ensued.
would give birth to the #IdleNoMore campaign that is now apparent on various
forms of social media. I would like to say thank you to all of those, like
Tanya Kappo, Autumn Eagle Speaker, Chrystal Sinclair, and Cherish Clarke, who
spear headed movements in their areas. I
also thank all of those who are keeping this movement going on and it reminds
me why I do what I do now and why it is important to be involved. No matter
the consequences that could occur for me - protecting the rights of my family, the future generations of my family, my community, and all Indigenous nations, that Canada must remember it shares this territory with, is too important to let fall to the wayside!

On top of this you have individual
people now on a hunger strike to bring attention to Indigenous treaty rights.
Attawapiskat’s Chief, Theresa Spence, is the best-known individual who is
involved with this cause. How can Canada and its citizens simply stand by and
not realize that the problems that exist are real and not simply just the fault
of Indigenous people and their ‘vassal state’ governments? Well, the longer
they continue to be oblivious the worse it will get – The level of the Oka Crisis
in 1990, the Gustafson Lake Standoff, and the Ipperwash Standoff is being
reached and soon will be passed. Where will we all stand when it gets to this
because of a Canadian government that is controlled by people who have their
heads stuck up their own specific ideological butts?
In a time when Canadians are focused
on employment, how much they deserve to be paid or not be paid, International
concerns like Syria, Israel and Palestine, as well as pipelines, guns, and
leadership campaigns – Indigenous people struggle for adequate food, water,
housing, incomes, and recognition. While Canadians prepare for the holidays,
Indigenous people are now protesting, being vocal, blockading, and going on
hunger strikes. The Canadian government tries to ignore this and stifles the inherent and legally
binding rights of the Indigenous people. But are we surprised, the CPC Prim Minister has stated “Canada has no history of
colonialism.” So what is one to do in relation to the increasing turmoil that is impacting Indigenous people and leading to their vocal opposition?
I for one will be there in full
support – for the sake of and survival of the rights that belong to my 11 and 7
year old nephews; my 7 year old and 1.5 year old nieces; for my family as my
mother ages and requires more healthcare, assistance, and medication; the right for my sister to consider a
university degree with the proper funding she is supposed to be guaranteed. I
also stand for these things for all Indigenous people.
I will not go away – nor will the
vast majority of others who are being persecuted (and even possibly punished,
for standing up for their rights as citizens of their Indigenous nation). I may
consider myself a Canadian citizen – but I also consider myself an Anishinaabeg
citizen and if Canada makes me choose – then so be it.
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